Cleaning Services Ottawa

Streamline your cleaning with us

We’re here to make it easy. Discover hassle-free cleanliness today!


Embrace Freedom: Let us Handle the Clean

Feeling drained and overwhelmed by life’s demands? Struggling to find time for yourself amidst the chaos? Say goodbye to stress and hello to serenity with LIME. Our expert team is here to tackle the dirt while you reclaim your time and energy.

Experience the joy of a sparkling-clean space without lifting a finger. Embrace the freedom to live fully, knowing that LIME has your back.

Efficient, Friendly, Residential & Commercial Cleaners in Ottawa, your satisfaction is guaranteed!


Years of Experience



We provide top-tier cleaning solutions tailored to your needs

From meticulous home cleaning to comprehensive commercial and post-construction services, we’re your trusted partner for a spotless environment.

Experience the joy of coming home to a pristine oasis or stepping into a business that radiates professionalism. Let us handle the dirt, while you enjoy the sparkle.

Home Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning

Office Cleaning

Construction Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning

Window Cleaning

Do you prefer to talk to us?

Sure, let’s talk!

Get Your Free Estimate Now!

Take the first step towards a cleaner, stress-free life. Request your quote now and discover the difference we can make in your space.

Phone Number:

+1 (343) 297-2483

Email Address:


Kanata, Ottawa

Opening time:

9.00 am - 06.00 pm (Sunday - Thursday)